Body Treatments in Marylebone, London

Contour Your Figure

Body treatments, often referred to as contouring procedures, have gained substantial popularity, attracting a diverse clientele of both men and women. Mr. Khoda, recognising people have aesthetic concerns, provides a spectrum of transformative procedures tailored to meet the specific needs and desires of his patients.
For men seeking to address concerns about their physique, Mr. Khoda extends a range of procedures designed to sculpt a more appealing and masculine figure. Options such as liposuction, tummy tucks, and breast reduction are offered to enhance the overall body contours, ensuring each procedure is customised to meet the aesthetic goals of the individual.
For women seeking to address the after-effects of pregnancy may find solace in the procedures we offer, such as labiaplasty or a Mummy Makeover.
These procedures are offered by Mr. Khoda here in Marylebone, London.

To book your body treatment with Dr Ben Khoda Click here! 

Tummy Tuck

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Thigh Lift

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Mummy Makeover

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Treatment Combinations

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Scar Revision

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